• Descendants of Lt. Col. Benjamin Harrison.
    Descendants of Lt. Col. Benjamin Harrison.
  • The grave marker of Lt. Col. Benjamin Harrison, a Revolutionary War patriot, was placed by the Noah Coleman Chapter of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) on Saturday, June 10, in his family cemetery.
    The grave marker of Lt. Col. Benjamin Harrison, a Revolutionary War patriot, was placed by the Noah Coleman Chapter of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) on Saturday, June 10, in his family cemetery.
  • Attendees signing in as they arrived.
    Attendees signing in as they arrived.
  • Color guard preparing.
    Color guard preparing.
  • All rose and placed hands on hearts as the flags were marched in.
    All rose and placed hands on hearts as the flags were marched in.
  • Posting the colors.
    Posting the colors.
  • Posting the colors.
    Posting the colors.
  • Noah Coleman Vice Regent Viola Huitt welcoming those in attendance.
    Noah Coleman Vice Regent Viola Huitt welcoming those in attendance.
  • Descendants of Lt. Col. Benjamin Harrison proudly waved flags in the crowd.
    Descendants of Lt. Col. Benjamin Harrison proudly waved flags in the crowd.
  • Noah Coleman Vice Regent Viola Huitt, left, speaks and Chalk Bluff Chapter Registrar and descendent Mary Bess Green, right, as she spoke about Lt. Col. Harrison.
    Noah Coleman Vice Regent Viola Huitt, left, speaks and Chalk Bluff Chapter Registrar and descendent Mary Bess Green, right, as she spoke about Lt. Col. Harrison.
  • MSSDAR Regent Renee Pace placed a wreath beside the grave marker.
    MSSDAR Regent Renee Pace placed a wreath beside the grave marker.
  • Sons of the American Revolution placing flowers by the grave marker.
    Sons of the American Revolution placing flowers by the grave marker.
  • Staff Sergeant Dustin Felan of the 135th Army Band and St. James School Choir Director played Taps once Lt. Col. Benjamin Harrison's marker was unveiled.
    Staff Sergeant Dustin Felan of the 135th Army Band and St. James School Choir Director played Taps once Lt. Col. Benjamin Harrison's marker was unveiled.
  • A salute shot with Revolutionary War period muskets was delivered by the Ozark Patriot Chapter.
    A salute shot with Revolutionary War period muskets was delivered by the Ozark Patriot Chapter.
  • The Noah Coleman Chapter of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) organized the event and placed the grave marker.
    The Noah Coleman Chapter of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) organized the event and placed the grave marker.
  • The Ozark Patriot Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution served as color guard for the occasion.
    The Ozark Patriot Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution served as color guard for the occasion.
  • All members of various chapters of the NSDAR who were in attendance.
    All members of various chapters of the NSDAR who were in attendance.
  • The snack table was open for all in attendance.
    The snack table was open for all in attendance.

Grave Marking Ceremony For Revolutionary War Patriot

On Saturday, June 10, a good sized crowd attended the Grave Marking Ceremony of American Revolutionary War Patriot Benjamin Harrison at the Harrison Cemetery in Bourbon. Hosted by the Noah Coleman Chapter of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), the event was attended by members of various NSDAR chapters, including the Valley of the Meramec and Chalk Bluff. Missouri State NSDAR representatives, the Ozark Patriot Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, active duty military personnel, veterans, and descendants of Harrison were also in attendance. 

The morning began with sign ins and welcoming words from the Noah Coleman Vice Regent Viola Huitt, followed by a flag service by the Ozark Patriot Chapter, who served as Color Guard for the occasion. An invocation was given by Noah Coleman Chapter Chaplain Rhonda Land and the Pledge of Allegiance led by MSSDAR Curator Patricia Hale. Staff Sergeant Dustin Felan of the 135th Army Band and St. James School Choir Director sang the National Anthem before Huitt introduced descendants and other honored guests.

Chalk Bluff Chapter Registrar and descendent Mary Bess Green gave a speech honoring Harrison and sharing the details of his life as he and his family moved across territories after the war. Though the exact dates of his birth and death have been lost to time, his family still holds much of the lands surrounding this small family cemetery.

The crowd joined Huitt and Land in dedicating the marker, which was unveiled by descendent and Noah Coleman Chapter daughter Mary Jane Carey. MSSDAR Regent Renee Pace placed a wreath beside it and the SAR members and veterans laid white roses before the marker before Land gave a benediction.

SSG Felan then played Taps on his trumpet with a salute shot with Revolutionary War period muskets by the Ozark Patriot Chapter, who then retired the colors.

After closing remarks by Huitt, attendees were invited to enjoy refreshments and wander the family cemetery, which many eagerly did as the flag Lieutenant Colonel Harrison fought so bravely for waved in the morning breeze.

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